Chapter 1. Introduction


This chapter introduces the organization of this developers' guide.

Tested Objects is one of a number of sister projects for Naked Objects. Each of these sister projects are organized along the same general lines: they have the same directory structure, the same coding conventions, a shared "corporate" Maven POM to define build artifacts, the same release process and so on.

The Star Objects project is an umbrella for all of these sister projects. As such it holds the corporate POM and a number of other shared artifacts, such as a site template so that the Maven sites for all sister projects have the same general look-n-feel. It also hosts a Maven snapshot repository and release repository.

In addition, the Star Objects also has a developers guide (available online here). This describes how to build any given sister project from source, how to be a contributor, and how (as a project admin) to release code artifacts to the repositories and how to deploy the site.

This developers guide therefore provides only a high level outline of the structure of the modules, and provides only summary steps for how to build and deploy the sister projects. Any variations from the standard procedures described in the Star Objects developers guide are also given.

Tihs guide also provides design/implementation notes, in ???. If you are thinking about or fixing a bug or contributing a new feature, you might find some starting points here (over and above reading the Javadocs, tests and code, of course).