3.3. Release Process

There are one special consideration for releasing/deploying for Tested Objects. Specifically, FitNesse is not currently available through Maven central repository. It must therefore be uploaded into the Star Objects Maven repo, at http://starobjects.sourceforge.net/m2-repo/release/. This is what is referenced from the Tested Objects POMs.

FitNesse itself is available from http://fitnesse.org/FrontPage.FitNesseDevelopment.DownLoad.

To install in the Star Objects repository (on the actual server), use:

$ mvn install:install-file      \
  -D file=fitnesse-20090818.jar \
  -D groupId=org.fitnesse       \
  -D artifactId=fitnesse        \
  -D version=20090818           \
  -D packaging=jar              \
  -D generatePom=true

Although FitNesse is open source, the FitNesse download site does not make the source code available. So it's also manually downloaded a ZIP of the source from the GIT source code repository, and then rezip it up in the same format that Maven prepares. I installed this also:

$ mvn install:install-file              \
  -D file=fitnesse-20090818-sources.jar \
  -D groupId=org.fitnesse               \
  -D artifactId=fitnesse                \
  -D version=20090818                   \
  -D packaging=jar                      \
  -D classifier=sources                 \
  -D generatePom=true

Otherwise than these points you can just follow the processes described in Star Objects developers' guide, to: