This chapter outlines how to build, document and deploy Tested Objects.
The build, documentation and deployment process follows the general standard for sister projects, as documented in the Star Objects developers' guide. The one exception is that deploying Tested Objects also involves deploying FitNesse itself; FitNesse is not formally released into Maven central repo, so the starobjects repo hosts it instead.
The sections in this chapter correspond to the parts one, two and three of Star Objects developers' guide.
There are no special steps required for building Tested Objects from source.
In particular, note that the FitNesse jar is not prerequisite software; instead it is managed as a Maven module (see Section 3.3, “Release Process”).
You can therefore just follow the processes described in Star Objects developers' guide:
build the main:
$ cd ~/testedobjects/trunk/fitnesse/main $ mvn clean install
build the support:
$ cd ~/testedobjects/trunk/fitnesse/support $ mvn clean install